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बीए सेमेस्टर-2 - अंग्रेजी - इंगलिश पोएट्री
Objective Type Questions
For each of the following questions, four alternatives are given for the answer. Only one of them is correct. Choose the correct alternative.
1. When was Alexander Pope born?
(a) 1685-
(b) 1690
(c) 1688
(d) 1693
2. In which city was Pope born?
(a) London
(b) Warwickshire
(c) New York
(d) Sydney
3. Pope had a ....... and...... body.
(a) healthy, handsome
(b) diseased, deformed
(c) ill, weak
(d) None of these
4. In the beginning, Pope followed ........
(a) Shakespeare
(b) Dryden
(c) Tennyson
(d) None of these.
5. Pope's poetry was more ....... than emotional.
(a) intellectual
(b) satirical
(c) farcical
(d) sentimental
6. Pope's poetry appeals to the ....... rather than .......
(a) heart, mind
(b) mind, heart
(c) only heart
(d) None of these
7. Which is not the creation of Pope?
(a) Windsor Forest
(b) Four Pastorals
(c) The Lotos Eaters
(d) The Rape of The Lock
8. Pope's poetry was the poetry of
(a) reason and commonsense
(b) emotion and sentiments
(c) absurdity and satire
(d) None of these
9. Pope perfected the
(a) octave
(b) ballad
(c) ode
(d) heroic couplet
10. Pope's poetry was mainly the poetry of the
(a) village
(b) forest
(c) town
(d) nature
11. "The Rape of the Lock' describes the artificial customs and manners of men and women."
(a) town-bred
(b) prosperous
(c) poor
(d) high status
12. Pope's greatest poems are ........
(a) The Rape of the Lock
(b) Essay on Man
(c) The Dunciad
(d) All of them
13. The Rape of the Lock' depicts .......
(a) the dramatic scene
(b) the emotional scene
(c) the social scene
(d) None of these
14. Pope was a ....... rather than a poet.
(a) social reformer
(b) craftsman
(c) businessman
(d) prose-writer
15. What is "The Dunciad'?
(a) Sonnet
(b) Dramatic monologue
(c) Ode
(d) A personal and a general satire
16. What is "The Rape of the Lock'?
(a) Lyric
(b) Sonnet
(c) Mock-epic
(d) Elegy
17. "An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot' is a .......
(a) satirical poem
(b) love poem
(c) emotional poem
(d) poem of dejection
18. Pope is called ........
(a) dramatist
(b) classic
(c) short-story writer
(d) None of these
19. Pope used Nature as a ......
(a) synonymous of reason
(b) flower
(c) tree
(d) mountain
20. What was 'Scriblerus'?
(a) The name of newspaper
(b) The name of college
(c) The name of church
(d) The name of club
21. In which style is the poem 'Lines on Addison from the Dunciad written?
(a) Mock-heroic style
(b) Dramatic monologue
(c) Petrarchan pattern
(d) None of these
22. In the poem, 'Lines on Addison from the Dunciad', Pope attacks the ....... and the ........ alike.
(a) kings, knight
(b) men and women.
(c) dead, living
(d) rich and poor
23. The Dunciad' is the epic of the ......
(a) English
(b) German
(c) American
(d) Dunces
24. Who founded "The Scriblerian Club'?
(a) Alexander Pope
(b) John Milton
(c) Wordsworth
(d) Scriblerus Martin
25. Who sits on the throne of Dulness?
(a) Queen Elizabeth
(b) Theobald
(c) King Henry
(d) Richard III
26. What does Dulness declare?
(a) The opening of heroic game.
(b) The closing of heroic game.
(c) To distribute money among the poor.
(d) None of these
27. The first game is for .........
(a) soldiers
(b) merchants
(c) farmers
(d) book-sellers
28. To whom do the publishers run to grab?
(a) Curll
(b) Jove
(c) Moore
(d) Theobald
29. Who prays to Jove?
(a) Curll
(b) Moore
(c) Theobald
(d) Jove
30. Who grabs the phantom?
(a) Jove
(b) Theobald
(c) Moore
(d) Curll
31. What does Dulness urge Curll?
(a) To sing a song
(b) To repeat the joke
(c) To tell a story
(d) To play the music
32. What does Dulness award Curll for his victory?
(a) A trophy
(b) A gold coin
(c) A tapestry
(d) A casket
33. When did Alexander Pope leave school?
(a) 12 Years old
(b) 14 Years old
(c) 16 Years old
(d) 18 Years old
34. Pope's schooling was ......
(a) long
(b) medium
(c) brief
(d) None of these
35. Where did Pope's parents shift?
(a) Warwickshire
(b) London
(c) Nottinghamshire
(d) Binfield
36. Pope's height was .......
(a) three feet
(b) four feet
(c) five feet
(d) six feet
37. Pope was a celebrated man of...
(a) action
(b) ambition
(c) letters
(d) None of these
38. In writing, Pope's aim was to achieve
(a) absolute correctness
(b) absolute emotions
(c) absolute sentiments
(d) All of these
39. In the beginning of his career Pope used............ in his poetry.
(a) rhyming couplet
(b) heroic couplet
(c) unrhymed couplet
(d) None of these
40. Pope brought Heroic Couplet to.....
(a) Dryden
(b) Shakespeare
(c) imperfection
(d) perfection
41. Pope ........ a villa at Twickenham near London.
(a) owned
(b) friend's
(c) rented
(d) None of these
42. Pope restricted the variations of the ........
(a) octave
(b) sestet
(c) tercet
(d) caesura
43. In whose hands did Heroic Couplet become a sensitive instrument of attack?
(a) Dryden
(b) Pope
(c) Chaucer
(d) Shakespeare
44. Did Pope deal in thoughts beyond the reach of our souls?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Don't know
(d) None of these
45. With which are Pope's greatest work concerned?
(a) Contemporary society life.
(b) The ancient culture of England.
(c) The ancient culture of the world.
(d) None of these
46. Which is the writing of Pope?
(a) Paradise Lost
(b) Macbeth
(c) The Imitations of Horace
(d) All of these
47. Who is the most quoted and offcited poets of English Literature?
(a) Shakespeare
(b) Dryden
(c) Chaucer
(d) Pope
48. Which mirrors eighteen century elegant society life?
(a) Hamlet
(c) Arms and The Man
(b) The Silver Box
(d) The Rape of The Lock
49. ........... was the high priest of the Age of Reason and Commonsense.
(a) Alexander Pope
(b) Dryden
(c) Keats
(d) Yeats
50. Who was the undisputed master in satirical and didactic verse?
(a) Shakespeare
(b) Alexander Pope
(c) Chaucer
(d) Larkin
51. Who was the opposite of poets as Spenser and Shakespeare?
(a) Chaucer
(b) Dryden
(c) Wordsworth
(d) Alexander Pope
52. Both in subject-matter and style, Pope broke with the .............. tradition.
(a) romantic
(b) victorian
(c) reformation
(d) None of these
53. Pope laid a great emphasis on
(a) love
(b) revenge
(c) authority
(d) dejection
54. Alexander Pope had to abide by certain rules and standards that were
followed by the
(a) ancients
(b) modernists
(c) victorians
(d) All of these
55. According to Alexander Pope, Nature was synonymous with ..........
(a) emotions
(b) feelings
(c) reason
(d) All of these
56. In which poem did Pope lay down principles of literary tastes and style?
(a) The Rape of the Lock
(b) A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
(c) Dunciad
(d) Essay on Criticism
57. Who introduced the Heroic Couplet?
(a) Shakspeare and Surrey
(b) Denham and Waller
(c) Dryden and Pope
(d) Chaucer and Larkin
58. Who was credited to popularize Heroic Couplet?
(a) Pope
(b) Larkin
(c) Auden
(d) Dryden
59. Who fixed the position of the 'pause' in the middle of the line?
(a) Dryden
(b) Pope
(c) Chaucer
(d) Shakespeare
60. A line containing six iambic feet is .........
(a) octave
(b) quatrain
(c) Alexandrine
(d) tercet
61. Three lines rhyming together is called
(a) triplet
(b) couplet
(c) tercet
(d) sestet
62. Which is the poetry of Pope?
(a) The Dunciad
(b) Essay on Man
(c) The Rape of the Lock
(d) All of these.
63. What were the envy of many poets?
(a) Larkin's Mysticism
(b) Keats's Intellectualism
(c) Pope's Wit and Irony
(d) None of these
64. What was Pope considered more than a poet?
(a) Sonneteer
(b) Craftman
(c) Lyricist
(d) All of these
65. In which poem of Pope is unity of structure found?
(a) Essay on Criticism
(b) Dunciad
(c) The Rape of the Lock
(d) None of these
66. What is the name of the romantic poem that Pope has written?
(a) Elegy to an Unfortunate Lady
(b) The Rape of the Lock
(c) Dunciad
(d) All of these
67. Who is the writer of 'Mac Flecknoe'?
(a) Pope
(b) Shakespeare
(c) Milton
(d) Dryden
68. The main idea of "The Dunciad' was taken from ..........
(a) Macbeth
(b) Mac Flecknoe
(c) Paradise Lost
(d) None of these
69. How many versions have "The Dunciad'?
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) One
(d) Two
70. When was the first version published?
(a) 1725
(b) 1726
(c) 1727
(d) 1728
71. The New Dunciad' was published in ..........
(a) 1742
(b) 1743
(c) 1744
(d) 1745
72. Whom does the poem celebrate?
(a) Dulness
(b) Venus
(c) Maened
(d) None of these
73. Alexander Pope was the greatest master of the :
(a) The Blank Verse
(b) Terza Rima
(c) Heroic Couplet
(d) The Allegory
74. Pope was a -
(a) Pagan
(b) Catholic
(c) Puritan
(d) Jew
75. By nature Pope was -
(a) Jealous, pervish, vain and mean
(b) Unbriddled, cruel and savage
(c) Upright, unrestrained, self-willed and gentle
(d) Hones, unmathodical and perverse
76. Pope was profoundly influenced by the -
(a) Roman poets
(b) Metaphysical poets
(c) Greek poets
(d) Elizabethan poets
77. Pope quarrelled with -
(a) Gray
(b) Addison
(c) Johnson
(d) Collins
78. Pope was a disciple of -
(a) Donne
(b) Shakespeare
(c) Dryden
(d) Milton
79. The Essay on Man is a philosophical poem written in -
(a) Triplet
(b) Blank Verse
(c) Trimeter
(d) Heroic Couplet
80. Epistle-I deals with the nature of man-
(a) in relation to the universe
(b) in relation to man
(c) in relation to animal
(d) in relation to man and animals
81. The essay on man is -
(a) a commentary on rural life
(b) an investigation of the natural law
(c) an allegory on human life
(d) a narration on urban life
82. Pope was a -
(a) elegiac poet
(b) satiric and didactic poet
(c) religious poet
(d) mystical poet
83. Pope is the most famous poet of the -
(a) Eighteenth century
(b) Seventeenth century
(c) Sixteenth century
(d) Nineteenth century
84. Pope was -
(a) Four feet tall
(b) Three feet tall
(c) Four and a half feet tall
(d) Five feet tall
85. Pope's "Essay on Man" was published in -
(a) 1729
(b) 1731
(c) 1733
(d) 1736
86. Who has given an idea about "Essay on Man" -
(a) His wife
(b) His brother
(c) His friend
(d) His father
87. How many contains have pope's "Essay on Man"?
(a) Three Epistle
(b) Four Epistle
(c) Five Epistle
(d) Six Epistle
88. In 'Essay on Man' Pope vindicates -
(a) The way of man to woman
(b) The way of child to youth
(c) The way of God to man
(d) The way of youth to old
89. "Essay on Man" is a -
(a) Religious poem
(b) Realistic poem
(c) Classical poem
(d) Philosophical poem
90. "Those rules of old discovered not devised; refers to -'
(a) An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot
(b) Essay on Criticism
(c) The Rape of the lock
(d) Essay on Man
91. Pope called a -
(a) Romantist
(b) Expressionist
(c) Reformist
(d) Classicist
92. Who said about pope, "The gist of his poem in prose and Pope only turned it into verse."
(a) Longionus
(b) Prolingbroke
(c) Chesterton
(d) John Richardson
93. The essay on man is a philosophical poem written in -
(a) Trimeter
(b) Blank verse
(c) Heroic couplet
(d) Triplet
94. "An Essay on Criticism" was published in -
(a) 1711
(c) 1717
(b) 1713
(d) 1719
95. Who edited "The Works of Shakespeare" -
(a) Mathew Arnold
(b) Addison
(c) Wordsworth
(d) Pope
96. Pope's works in prose was published in -
(a) 1740
(b) 1741
(c) 1743
(d) 1746
97. "The Dunciad" written in -
(a) Two Books
(b) Four Books
(c) Three Books
(d) Seven Books
98. 'Blest with each talent and each art to please,' refers to -
(a) An Epistel to Dr. Arbuthnot
(c) The Dunciad
(b) Essay on Criticism
(d) Essay on Man
99. "Windsor Forest" was appeared in -
(a) 1715
(b) 1716
(c) 1713
(d) 1712
100. 'A being darkly wise and rudely great refers to -
(a) The New Dunciad
(b) The Dunciad
(c) Essay on Man
(d) Essay on Criticism
101. How many canto has been written "The Rape of the Lock"?
(a) Canto II
(b) Canto III
(c) Canto IV
(d) Canto V
102. Pope was dead due to -
(a) Cancer
(b) Killing fever
(c) Dropsy and asthma
(d) Breath problem
103. "The Rape of the Lock' is a -
(a) Epic
(b) Ballad
(c) Elegy
(d) Mock-epic
104. "Great lord of all things, yet a pray to all,' refers to -
(a) The Duniciad
(b) An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot
(c) Essay on Man
(d) Essay on Criticism
105. "Essays in the Guardian" was published in -
(a) 1714
(b) 1716
(c) 1712
(d) 1713
106. "Pope's powers as a poet." who remarks about pope -
(a) Addison
(b) Gardiner
(c) Hazlitt
(d) Longionus
107. Pope wrote in:
(a) Lyric
(b) Spencerian Stanza
(c) Heroic Couplet
(d) Terza Rima
108. Which is not written by Alexander Pope?
(a) Windsor Forest
(b) The Rape of the Lock
(c) Essays on Man
(d) Ode to Skylark
109. 'Rape of the Lock' is satire on:
(a) Corruption in Church
(b) Crisis in Nationality
(c) Environment
(d) Female Vanity
110. "Satrie is my weapon, but Iam too discrete/To Run amuck, and tilt at all I meet." Who said?
(a) Jonathan Swift
(b) John Mitlton
(c) John Donne
(d) Alexander Pope.
111. Who said, "First follow nature" and "Homer is nature, and nature is Homer"?
(a) Wordworth
(b) Pope
(c) Shelley
(d) Gray
112. Who said, "The proper study of mankindi is man"?
(a) Milton
(b) Donne
(c) Pope
(d) Shakespeare
113. "In doubt his mind or body to prefer, Born but to die, and reas' ning but to err"
(a) Tyger
(b) Ode on a Grecian Urn
(c) Elegy
(d) Essay on Man
114. An "Essay on Man" by Alexander Pope is a/an :
(a) Philosophical Essay
(b) Philosophical Poem
(c) Epic Poem
(d) Fiction
115. "Know then thyself, presume not God to scan,
The proper study of mankind is man."
These are the opening lines of Alexander Pope's poem :
(a) Essay on Man
(b) The Rape of the Lock
(c) The Dunciad
(d) None of the above
116. What is the subtitle of "Essay on Man" epistle II?
(a) of the Nature and State of Man
(b) Politics and Religion
(c) Nature and Religion
(d) None of the above
- Chapter - 1 Forms of Poetry & Stanza Forms
- Objective Type Questions
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- Chapter - 2 Poetic Device
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- Chapter - 3 "Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds" (Sonnet No. 116)
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- Chapter - 4 "On His Blindness"
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- Chapter - 5 "Present in Absence"
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- Chapter - 6 "Essay on Man”
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- Chapter - 7 "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”
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- Chapter - 8 "The World is Too Much with Us"
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- Chapter - 9 "Ode on a Grecian Urn"
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- Chapter - 10 "Break, Break, Break"
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- Chapter - 11 "How Do I Love Thee?"
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- Chapter - 12 "Dover Beach"
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- Chapter - 13 "My Last Duchess'
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- Chapter - 14 "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
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- Chapter - 15 "The Lake Isle of Innisfree"
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- Chapter - 16 "Church Going"
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- Chapter - 17 Rhetoric and Prosody - Practical Criticism
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